Monday 3 December 2012

OPI GelColor - On Her Majesty's Secret Service Swatches & Review

This is three coats of OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service Soak off Gel. 

Easy to apply, no shrink back. The colour appears to be made up of blue, grey and gold particles, it seems to change colour depending on the lighting between blue, grey, greeny-gold. Very Sparkly.

OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service
OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service in Daylight

OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service
OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service Direct Sun
OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service
OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service Cloudy Overcast 
 Excuse my slightly two tone colour hand (above), it was freezing cold outside.

OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service
OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service with Howard

OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service
OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service with Howard again

OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service
OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service with Howard

OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service
OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service with Geoffrey

OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service
OPI Gelcolor On Her Majesty's Secret Service Daylight


  1. Howard is such a cool cat, oh and the polish is nice too.

  2. stunning pics, love the scarf on the first one as well as your beautiful cat and lovely nails too :)

  3. *Sigh* You have the most perfect, gorgeous hands and nails (and application)

  4. Thank you Rachel, Debbie & Amber! really appreciate your lovely comments :-)
